Building What We Need

Moser had been paying for an expense platform that was popular, but costly. Our employees found it difficult to use and it included features we didn’t need. We decided it was time to build a modern expense app focused on the user’s experience.

What we created… is Spenio.

Working in an agile manner, we began gathering user feedback and data then prioritized features that would provide the greatest value. The features included today are continually being enhanced and evaluated. It’s an iterative process that hasn’t always been easy. Our blog is coming soon that documents the lessons learned.

How does becoming a beta customer benefit your business?

We are looking for companies to partner with us as beta customers to build the best possible expense product. To do this, we need feedback from a variety of companies and users. Your company can benefit by getting in on the ground floor and have input in the direction of new features at a very low price.

If you want to be part of building an expense app led by users needs, get in touch!

Interested in simplifying your expense reporting and reimbursements?

We are looking for collaborative partners as we build a user focused, light weight, cost effective expense reporting solution.